Research approach

The LeadershipGarage studies real-world digital leadership and provides tools and solutions to leaders. Therefore, the research approach of the LeadershipGarage stresses collaboration with business and industry. The goal of this collaboration is co-creation in an innovation circle.

“Co-creation” means that researchers, companies and business leaders work together on understanding management and leadership. A learning space is created in which experts from different fields with different experience and knowledge collaborate to build knowledge and value they could not create alone. Resources and competencies are brought together to focus on innovative solutions.

This research approach is already typical of the digital world because it is based in a network. This “innovation circle” puts researchers and practitioners from different companies and organizations closely in touch with each other. This facilitates the synergy of co-creation. It also gives the members of the circle direct access to research results and practical innovations so they may adopt emerging leadership applications to immediately enhance their own performance, and also to provide feedback and further development.

Innovation Circle

The program works on three different research levels: framework research study, case studies and innovation space.

Framework Study

  • Over-arching research topic on the success factors of leaders in a modern digitally connected work environment
  • Database: quantitative, data collection in all participating companies

Case Studies

  • Company-specific topics, good practice examples, prototypes
  • Database: quantitative or qualitative

Innovation Space

  • Continuing personal reflection and experiences on research results
  • Database: qualitative/self-reflection and self-testing methods